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Howard Cole

Pastor Howard Cole was saved in 1955 and called to the ministry in 1969. In 1979, he married Judy Brown and they have two children, Benjamin and Karis. He has served as a pastor for over 40 years in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Maine. Pastor Cole stepped down from pastoral ministry in 2019 due to health issues, but has fervently taught and preached when he has been able.


Pastor Cole is an unapologetic Baptist Fundamentalist who have as much love for sound doctrine as he does people. He holds the following degrees:

  • B.A. - Religion - Bob Jones University, 1973

  • M.A. - Religion - Bob Jones University, 1974

  • From 1974-1976 post graduate studies at Bob Jones University

  • From 1976-1978 post graduate studies at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

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